An image of a blonde girl with blue eyes, pale skin and a black shirt, grinning mischievously.



Hey! Welcome! I'm Hekate and I'm what I'd refer to as an "all-rounder" artist; I do everything from digital art, to writing, to web design, and more. While my degree is in English, I've been plying my other artistic trades since I was a child to a greater or lesser extent. Having said that, my style overall trends on the darker and minimalist sides, using clean harsh lines to contain the messier elements of my work. Please see for yourself though, enjoy my work, and thanks for stopping by!

My work is not your payday nor will it support your misdeeds.
Under no circumstances will you use, repost, modify, reupload, remix, or put the artwork here into a collection of any sort, etc. It is not training data for any kind of artificially intelligent software to use, nor has it been created with artificial intelligence or will be ⏤ it was made by a human the legitimate way.